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Dear Parents,

I am delighted to welcome you to Park Lane Primary School and Nursery, which has been serving the community and providing a vibrant, high quality education for over 50 years. We see all our children as individuals and nurture the whole child. We strive to fulfil not just their academic potential but their personal, social, moral and creative development through an exciting, stimulating environment.

Our school is a two-form entry Primary School. We work collaboratively with two other local schools, New Road Primary and Sir Harry Smith Community College which together are known as the Aspire Learning Trust to further improve the quality of the school’s provision at all levels. We have approximately 440 pupils on roll with an additional 60 children in our Nursery.


Rob Litten
Executive Headteacher

Park Lane is set in a rural market town setting on the outskirts of Peterborough. Where the traditions of rural Cambridgeshire interface with the energy of one of Britain’s fasted growing and culturally diverse cities.

We have a drama and dance studio and three mobile laptop trolleys for use in classrooms, staging, sound and lighting for our concerts and productions; excellent sporting facilities and the energy and enthusiasm of a committed and loyal staff. The children enjoy hosting concerts and whole school events and there is always a very special atmosphere within our community at these occasions.

We also value your input and your belief in us that we have the best interests of your child at heart. We have an open door policy so come in and talk to us!

Our active PTA is called Friends of Park Lane School (FOPLS) and they work hard to organise social and fund raising events. All funds are fed back into school to benefit your child so please get involved, feel part of the team and support their excellent work! We also enjoy strong links with various aspects of the wider community, working closely with the Straw Bear Festival, local secondary schools, businesses, churches and senior citizens.

Our school’s environmental work and reputation is well known in the town and beyond. We offer a good range of instrument tuition provided by local specialist teachers. The curriculum does not end as the school day ends. We have opportunities for the children to participate in a range of clubs run by the teachers who volunteer their time generously as well as outside groups. If you are interested, contact me, as there are always opportunities to extend the range.

I hope, like me, you feel strongly that we will achieve our educational aims for our children in partnership. I know that children learn best in an ethos of praise, encouragement and challenge. I cannot stress the importance of pastoral care at school and support from home to a young child’s confidence and security. Growing self esteem allows our young people to give respect, take responsibility and show confidence and tolerance. Park Lane pupils celebrate being citizens of the world. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Litten
Executive Headteacher